Data Reports Applications Cloud

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DRA Cloud Ltd

DRA Cloud Ltd was incorporated at Companies House on 31st October 2013.

The Company has been formed by David R Acklam BSc, a database and systems professional with over 30 years in computing and more than 22 years experience of data in business and financial systems.

David R Acklam photo
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My aim is to provide businesses, in the Bolton locality, with a cost effective database resource. In many businesses there may be insufficient work to justify the full time employment of a database professional. DRA Cloud Ltd can provide a data, reporting and web applications resource for just the time necessary to satisfy the business requirements, thus saving on costs.

As more database and application services become available in the Internet Cloud, businesses may take advantage of new or more efficient and cost effective solutions to their information needs. DRA Cloud Ltd can assist businesses to analyse their needs, designing, developing and implementing Cloud solutions to make maximum use of their data. In many cases hybrid solutions integrating in house data systems with Cloud services make the most of existing resources and changing business needs.

DRA Cloud Ltd, a local company working with you to make your data deliver results.
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